« Renégociations des frontières juridiques entre animaux humains et non-humains » - Vincent Chapaux AmericaS Added on 11/10/2019
"Democracy in Thought: Laruelle's Non-Standard Philosophy" - Jordanco SEKULOVSKI EASt Added on 11/10/2019
"Comparative Phenomenology: The Fundamental Notion of Correlationalism" - Andrew Whitehead EASt Added on 11/10/2019
"Faut-il déconstruire le corpus des classiques de la pensée chinoise ?"- Nicolas Zufferey EASt Added on 08/10/2019
"Women Playing Men: Same-Sex Relations in Shaoxing Opera"- JIANG Jin EASt Striges Added on 08/10/2019
"Crossing the borders between genders and species in Chinese religious fiction"- JIANG Jin EASt Striges Added on 08/10/2019
"From Cyber-democracy to Cyber-nationalism in Japan"- Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto & Kazuya Fukuoka EASt Added on 01/10/2019
"At the borders of the human" - Lecture & musical performance by Rosi Braidotti & Martin Daniel MSH Added on 26/09/2019