The Maison des Sciences Humaines of the Université libre de Bruxelles (MSH-ULB) is a structure for hosting and supporting interdisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences.

The MSH-ULB is part of a general dynamic of the university, and more generally of the world of research in Europe, which consists in making researchers from different disciplines work around common research objects so that the knowledge they produce can allow to apprehend these objects in their globality and complexity.

Created in 2015 on the initiative of Rector Didier Viviers, the MSH-ULB aims, in its multiple activities, to resonate with the questions and debates that animate civil society. Essentially oriented towards fundamental research, it remains aware of concrete problems and current events, ready to respond to the demands of the political, socio-economic and cultural worlds.

The MSH-ULB is also an important platform for international exchanges of knowledge. Every year it welcomes several dozen visiting professors and foreign post-doctoral researchers.

The MSH-ULB aims to strengthen the identity of the human and social sciences and to generate new knowledge and research practices by bringing together various disciplines in one place.

The MSH includes more than 230 researchers from “integrated teams” and “affiliated teams”. See details here: