Appel à candidatures de l'atelier doctoral GlobalMed "Vous avez dit global ? Objets, méthodes et limites de l’approche globale en études méditerranéennes"
Call for PhD students and young researchers from GlobalMed network partners
First doctoral workshop of GlobalMed network « Did you say global? Objects, Methods, and Limits of the Global Approach in the Mediterranean Studies » - From November 18 to 22, 2024, Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme in Aix-en-Provence (University of Aix-Marseille / CNRS) and the Musée des civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée (Mucem)
GlobalMed. The Mediterranean and the World from Prehistory to the Present: Interdisciplinary and International Approaches, is an international research network launched by the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme (Aix Marseille University) in collaboration with the ARKAIA and SoMuM Institutes and their network of partners.
From November 18 to 22, 2024, at the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme in Aix-en-Provence (University of Aix-Marseille / CNRS) and the Musée des civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée (Mucem), the network will organize its first doctoral workshop on global approaches in the social sciences.
These approaches have become essential since the 1990s. No discipline in this field can ignore the "global turn", which consists not only in considering a broad spatiotemporal and anthropological scale, but also in adopting a networked and relational perspective on the phenomena studied, going beyond the State-centered theory or even the Eurocentric perspective.
Mediterranean studies have been greatly affected and renewed by these approaches, insofar as transfers, exchanges, contacts, conflicts, and circulations constitute a structuring aspect, whether on a regional, continental, or global scale. The Mediterranean, with all its dynamics, cultures, and societies, is therefore a prime area for global approaches. However, the global approach is neither self-evident nor inevitable. It faces, for example, the challenge of inter- and transdisciplinarity. Exchanges between archaeologists, prehistorians, geologists, historians, political scientists, anthropologists, ethnologists and sociologists inevitably reveal the difficulties, divergences and even pitfalls of such approaches, questioning both the existence of the global phenomenon and the scientific positions and approaches involved. After all, what is to be made of a concept that is superfluous for some, but commonplace and fundamental for others? Finally, some areas of analysis resist it. They remind us that the global approach, far from being a dogma, is, above all, a heuristic proposition.
The first doctoral workshop organized by the GlobalMed network aims to bring together doctoral
students and young researchers from different disciplines who are interested in the global approach as
part of their doctoral or postdoctoral research. The workshop offers:
- An in-depth look at the concept of "global": history of the concept and issues of scale, epistemological issues, major publications/works, implementation of interdisciplinarity,
- A reflection on the objects of study of the global approach and the methods and concepts mobilized in their respective fields of research and in other disciplines,
- A reflection on the limits and critiques of the global approach.
A 5-day course is offered for this purpose:
- A key-note lecture and training sessions.
- Presentation and discussion of the work of the doctoral candidates.
- A visit to the Méditerranées exhibition at the Mucem (Marseille).
- The organization of a workshop by the doctoral students in the MucemLab (Mucem, Marseille).
How to apply
Before 28 June 2024, send an e-mail to with:
- A short CV indicating the language of the presentation (English or French).
- A summary of the proposed presentation of the thesis or post-doctoral work, indicating the general research question and the disciplinary and bibliographical reference(s) in relation to Mediterranean Studies. In addition, the summary should highlight the contribution of the global approach to the work or a related question (maximum 4000 characters).
- A covering letter explaining your interest in participating in the workshop.
The GlobalMed network will cover the travel and accommodation costs for the participants of the doctoral workshop.
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