08/02/2024 MSH - Réunion d'information - Appel à l'intégration MSH AmericaS EASt LIEU OMAM Striges CTP CDP CIERL CReA-Patrimoine CREG MODERNITAS
From 11/12 to 14/12/2023 Workshop REMOTE XUAR "Remote Ethnography of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region" EASt
04/12/2023 BelMix Seminar Series "Tourism, Entrepreneurship, Gender, and Intimacy: Case Studies from Zanzibar and Cuba" EASt
27/11/2023 Master MITRA-EASt Collaborative Hybrid Workshop: "Hands-on training in quantitative and qualitative data analyses for graduate students" EASt
21/11/2023 Talk "Impaired, "easy prey" saved by the Chinese state: Constructing "Xinjiang women" in the "People's War on Terror"" EASt
15/11/2023 Séminaire "Le processus d’expansion japonaise en Mandchourie durant la première moitié du XXe siècle" EASt
06/11/2023 BelMix Seminar Series "Exploring Intimate Relations: a Transnational Perspective on French-men and Romanian-women Couples, and a Mixedness Lens on Intercultural Partnerships in Estonia" EASt
13/10/2023 Workshop "COVID-19 pandemic experiences of Filipino migrant workers with common roots but different routes" EASt
09/10/2023 BelMix Seminar Series "Cross-Border Marriages in Japan: A comparative Examination through Psychological and Sociological Lenses" EASt
26/09/2023 Seminar "Pairing Up: Interethnic Family Campaign and the Militarization of Multiculturalism in China's Xinjiang" EASt
03/06/2023 Projection du film "Hommage à Pema Tseden (1969-2023), réalisateur et écrivain tibétain" EASt
31/05/2023 EASt Seminar "The Experience of Racism and Discrimination of People from East and Southeast Asia in France" EASt
04/05/2023 BelMix Seminar "Asian migrant spouses in Japan: Migration and reproduction in an ageing society" EASt
03/05/2023 Conférence publique “Descendants d’immigrés asiatiques et participation politique en France” EASt
02/05/2023 Lecture "Contested heritage and calls for political change in Thailand: Amnesia, counter-remembrance and the material legacy of the 1932-coup" EASt
25/04/2023 BelMix Seminar "Mixed race lives: Asian American histories of international adoption, intermarriage, and people of mixed heritage" EASt
21/04/2023 Public lecture "No longer silent: histories of international adoption in the United States through the arts" EASt
18/04/2023 Lecture "The eye of the visionary state: Gendering moral citizenship in late-socialist Vietnam" EASt
20/03/2023 BelMix Seminar "The gendered globalization of matrimonial market: Focus on French-Post-Soviet conjugalities" EASt
17/03/2023 Conférence - Paroles menacées "Memorial - Combats pour la mémoire en Russie" MSH EASt CREG
14/03/2023 Lecture "Notifying the people on the city's walls: Political signs and the making of the Chinese State 'from the bottom up'" EASt
09/03/2023 Research seminar "The Role of Multilateralism in Cyber-Diplomacy: A Tale of Three UNs" EASt