Orouba Othman

PhD Student in Social Sciences

A PhD candidate in Humanities and Social Sciences at Birzeit University and a lecturer at social sciences department in Bethlehem University. Her scholarly work focuses on futurity and anthropology of hope and destiny, sociology of pain and emotions, settler colonialism and Zionism, post-colonialism and cultural studies. She was granted Elias Khoury prize for excellence and creative research in 2016 in Masters' degree in Israeli studies at Birzeit university. She recently published a chapter titled “Antisemitism and its Contemporary Version: The Jewish as the Enemy of the Zionist Palestine” in the book " Conceptualizing Modern Palestine: Exemplars of Liberating Knowledge ", ed. Abdulrahim Al Shaikh (Palestinian Studies 2024). She also contributed in a text titled "The Confiscation of the Bedouin Tent: The Violence of Museumization and Representation" in "Regarding Pictures of Others" book issued by Qattan foundation. She writes her PhD thesis on "The Dynamics of Hope in the Everyday Society of Pain in Gaza Strip: Multiple Futurities and temporalities."

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