Le 07/03/2025 ANNULATION Cours-conférence "Budaixi, théâtre de marionnettes taiwanais. Introduction et atelier pratique." EASt
Le 25/02/2025 Présentation de l'ouvrage "Rendre le vivant politique" & Rencontre Tropismes avec Krystel Wanneau, Eric Fabri et Virginie Arantes EASt Centre de théorie politique
Le 25/02/2025 Cours-conférence “Go with the Flow: Traffic as Social Space in Late-Socialist Ho Chi Minh City” EASt
Le 21/02/2025 Cours-conférence "Danser (comme) sous la yourte: approches théoriques et pratiques des danses mongoles" EASt
Le 14/02/2025 BelMix Seminar "Boundary Dissolution? The (un)making of individual boundaries in Sino-Congolese couples residing in Congo (DRC)" EASt
Le 11/02/2025 Cours-conférence "Partie 2 : Le rire, les saynètes et le tribunal comique dans les pratiques des Meshrep ouïghours" EASt
Le 07/02/2025 Cours-conférence "Partie 1 : Le rire, les saynètes et le tribunal comique dans les pratiques des Meshrep ouïghours" EASt
Le 05/02/2025 REVIP Seminar Cycle "New Energy for Old Dependencies? Geoeconomic Dependencies between Lithium Extraction in South America and China’s Ecological Civilisation" EASt
Le 29/01/2025 BelMix Screening and Discussion ""A Part of Us", a documentary by Catherine Therrien" EASt
Le 17/12/2024 Colloque : Inner Asia Colloquium: "Placing the Uyghur Language at the Core of Uyghur Identity – the Role of Language Ideology in Language Maintenance" by Mirshad Ghalip EASt
Le 09/12/2024 Kansai University Seminar - "EU competition policy versus American Big Tech companies" EASt
Le 03/12/2024 Atelier "Racisme en Chine : le sort des minorités ethniques dans la chine des Hans" EASt
Le 29/11/2024 Conference: Asking Sensitive Questions: Trust, Trauma, and Transnational Repression EASt
Le 21/11/2024 Seminar "The storytelling of heterosexual marriage in the production of the TV reality show Married at First Sight in Poland" EASt
Le 16/11/2024 Cours-conférence "Quel avenir pour les Tibétains et leur culture à l’heure de la politique de sinisation voulue par Xi Jinping?" EASt
Le 25/10/2024 BelMix Seminar Series "Mobile orientations: what does a focus on emotions, gender and sexuality add to the understanding of migration processes?" EASt
Le 13/05/2024 BelMix Seminar Serie "Seminar by the BelMix Team: Exploring Belgian-Laotian and French-Japanese Couples" EASt
Le 08/05/2024 Midis de la MSH "Chronicle of a debt fulfilled and ties that bind: Intergenerational contract in Filipino families and its incorporation into Filipino youths’ adult identity" MSH EASt
Le 07/05/2024 Cours-conférence "State-Supported Literature against State-Operated Amnesia : The Case of Tibetan Literature in Today's People’s Republic of China" EASt
Le 07/05/2024 EASt Seminar "Filipino seafaring labour migration and the crewing of the global maritime industry: a multi-scalar analysis" EASt
Le 30/04/2024 Cours-conférence "From murderer to hero: memory politics in the highlands of Cambodia" EASt
Le 23/04/2024 Cours-conférence "Ritual Framing and Memory in Myanmar : Reflections on the Coup of February 1, 2021" EASt
Le 23/04/2024 Seminar "You are not alone: the virtual community of aspiring (re)migrants in Hong Kong" EASt
Le 19/04/2024 Seminar "Transnational Chinese Theatres: Intercultural Performance Networks in East Asia" EASt
Le 17/04/2024 Seminar "Virtual Materiality and Technologies of the Real in Chinese Documentary Theatre" EASt
Le 16/04/2024 Cours-conférence "Creating the “Educated Youth” : Down to the Countryside Movement in China (1953-1980) and Emergence of an “Imagined Community”" EASt