Cours-conférence "The transformation of public spaces in the Uyghur region"
Le 18/03/2025
by Vanessa Frangville (ULB)
In collaboration with LAMC
Uyghur cities have faced drastic changes in the past decades, leading to the progressive erasure of Uyghur heritage on the one hand and creating new public spaces reshaped to suit the taste of Han settlers and tourists.
How can transformations and restructuring of public spaces contribute to the devaluation of one ethnic culture and the domination of another ethnic culture? Taking the case of the Uyghur region, this presentation will show how changes in mundane public spaces can be part of a strategy of governance and of a colonial process to establish control over territories and people.
Vanessa Frangville is a Professor of China Studies at ULB and Director of the ULB's Maison des sciences humaines.
Thuesday march 18th 2025, from 2pm to 4 pm
Room P3.1.304
Building P3 - Level 1
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 50
1000 Bruxelles
Free entrance