Suzan Gibril
Post-Doctoral researcher
Suzan Gibril is an F.R.S-F.N.R.S Post-Doctoral Fellow, affiliated to OMAM and the CEVIPOL research centre at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Her fields of expertise include resistance and contentious politics in the Middle East, particularly through the use of the cultural sphere (music, street art and graffiti, performance arts), the links between collective action and power dynamics. Her main publications include "Methodological Individualism and Holism" in Morin J.F.; Olsson, C.; Atikcan O. Ö. (2020) Research Methods in the Social Sciences, London: Oxford University Press; the Palgrave International Handbook of Football and Politics (2018), London: Palgrave, as Editor and Author; "Shifting spaces of contention: An analysis of the Ultras’ mobilization in Revolutionary Egypt" (2018), European Journal of Turkish Studies; and also “Contentious politics and bottom-up mobilisation in revolutionary Egypt: The case of Egyptian football supporters” in GERGES, F. (ed.), Contentious Politics in the Middle East, London, Palgrave (2015).