Marie Ruyffelaere

PhD Student

Marie is a PhD candidate in Political Science at the centre of Research and Studies in International Politics (REPI) at the ULB and a researcher at the Observatoire des Mondes Arabes et Musulmans (OMAM) under the supervision of Prof. Jihane Sfeir. She is interested in contemporary Euro-Mediterranean relations and her PhD research deals with EU-Egypt relations after 2011.

Before pursuing a PhD, she graduated with a master's degree in development studies with great distinction at the ULB in 2020. She was an intern at the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Cairo from September to December 2019, where she worked on opportunities and challenges in implementing a social protection floor and universal healthcare in Egypt. She speaks French, English and German fluently and is currently learning colloquial Arabic at upper-intermediate level (B2).

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