Gaetan Roy
Professor at UCLouvain Saint-Louis
Gaétan du Roy holds a doctorate from UCLouvain and has completed research stays at the University of Pennsylvania and the Berlin Graduate School - Muslim Cultures and Societies. He is currently a researcher at the Radboud University of Nijmegen (Netherlands) and visiting professor at the Université Saint-Louis - Brussels. He is a historian of the present time specializing in urban and religious issues in Egypt and is also interested in religious diasporas in Europe. His research is based on an ethnohistorical perspective, which consists in crossing the results of field surveys with numerous other sources, oral, visual, or written. In 2022 he published Les Zabbalin du Muqattam. Ethnohistoire d'une hétérotopie au Caire (979-2021), published by Brill. This book received (ex-aequo) the prize for the first book of the Chair for the study of religion at Sciences Po. Gaétan du Roy is currently interested in how material aspects contribute to forging community ties of a religious nature in the Coptic diasporas of France and the United Kingdom. In particular, he studies the role of food and commensality and that of digital technologies.