Research Projects

This research project aims to map the extent to which spatial mobility policies at the EU and national levels take into account aspiring (re)migrants’ behaviour, to identify the micro- and meso-level drivers of (re)migration aspiration and/or intention, and to determine the temporality of aspiring (re)migrants’ decision-making. It brings together six European partners and seven Asian partners: Université libre de Bruxelles as Coordinator (Belgium), Masaryk University (Czech Republic), Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany), University of Milan (Italy), Instituto Universitario de Lisboa – ISCTE (Portugal), Tampere University (Finland), Scalabrini Migration Center (Philippines), Mahidol University (Thailand), Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (Vietnam), Foundation for Isaan Education and Popular Media (Thailand), Asia-Pacific Center (Vietnam), The Education University of Hong Kong (China), and Waseda University (Japan). Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot (Principal Investigator of the project) collaborates at ULB with Frederik Ponjaert, Vanessa Frangville, Antoine Roblain, and Lucas Monteil.

More information of project can be found on the project's website

This project, supported by EU Horizon Widera 2021, is led in partnership with the ULB (coordinated by Vanessa Frangville), the Palacky University Olomouc (project coordinator) and the Würzburg University. It will be funded for three years, starting from January 2023, and will seek to develop a methodology of remote ethnography, to collect data and produce analysis of the situation in the Uyghur region.

More information of project can be found here
Project's website

Pierre Petit is the academic coordinator of this project for the ULB. It is funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Programme (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020).
LABOUR is a research and training programme designed to address the shortfalls of research and development approaches with particular attention to a region where this is particularly worrying concern. Informal employment in Asia is estimated to account for 68.2% of the active population. By gathering a team of 14 participants that includes academic and non-academic partners working on labour insecurity, we aim not only at producing specialists on the topic and on the region but also at proposing concrete mitigation measures that can be taken into account by decision-makers and development organizations.

More information of project can be found here

This project is funded by a FNRS MIS grant (2021-2023) with Vanessa Frangville as academic coordinator.
The project looks at the Uyghur diaspora and its cultural production that aims at drawing the world’s attention and bearing witness to the various abuses perpetrated at home by the Chinese government. It analyses selected poems, short films, video clips and dance and music performances to tackle new transmedial forms of testimonies in the Uyghur case. The project also aims at looking into new expressions of nostalgia in these texts, as well relationships between individual trauma and collective struggle, by analyzing narrative strategies used in the texts and collecting data based on interviews with their authors.

More information of project can be found here
Project's website

In 2016, EASt received a grant of €680.000 from the ULB to start its new project GENEsYson East Asian Youth: Identities and Practices in Public Spaces. The main objective of this project is to examine the relationship between the construction of youth identity and public spaces in East Asia. It seeks to understand how public spaces shape East Asian youth identity, how youth use public spaces, what the practices and strategies of appropriation are, and how the active presence of youth in public spaces influences the negotiation of beliefs, values and memory in terms of continuity and change, and shapes collective identities.

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