Meike Brodersen

Professor - Lecturer

Meike Brodersen is a lecturer in sociology and labour sciences at ULB. Her main areas of research focus on spatial mobility, digitalisation and automation in contemporary workplaces. She specialises in multi-site ethnographies and qualitative, mobile, visual and co-creation methods, and is interested in the transformation of urban practices and spaces in a context of technological change. In the past, she has held positions at the University of Passau (Germany), the University of Halmstad (Sweden) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussels. She wrote her doctoral thesis, ‘Working mobilities,between parking lots and particles.’ At METICES centre at ULB under the supervision of Pierre Lannoy, on mobilisations at work in scientific research and road transport.

Her most recent projects focus on mobility and working conditions in the platform economy (SEAD) and gig work (GIG-OSH Chanse EU), teleworking and hybrid work, and the emerging futures of everyday and family mobility (AHA project on Design Ethnographic Living Labs for Future Urban Mobility; ReAllocate EU/CIVITAS). Committed to interdisciplinary and participatory research, she has participated, with other members of LIEU and the Brussels Studies Institute, in applied research on platform-mediated tourism in Brussels and beyond.

Recent publications include : Automating the first and last mile? Reframing the 'challenges' of everyday mobilities (2023), Investigating ADM in Shared Mobility: A design ethnographic approach (2022), De l'entreprise-réseau à l'économie de plateforme, les impasses des négociations (2022).