Workshop "Poetry in the hour of genocide"
With Poetik Riots ; Milady Renoir
The Kitchen, Poetik Riots and Milady Renoir, in collaboration with OMAM, Globe Aroma and many other friends, have organized this special event of revolutionary poetry and music. The evening will bring together different battles against genocide and calling for liberation through the rhythm of words and notes in several languages.
No written intervention, no matter how earnestly penned, can grasp, contain, or abrogate the manifold scales of violence, the shameless saturnalia of mass murder, callous barbarism, and flagrant fabrication of falsehoods that saturate the ongoing lived realities of genocide. The horrors, intimacies, and scales of genocidal violence exceed imagination and description, they escape analytical capture. Poetry however has the power to speak the unspeakable. It has the ability to elicit joy and make us feel the pain and heartbreak from which we regularly shy away. Poetry can also make new realities possible, because it rescues us from apathy, reconnects us to our feelings, and helps us to continue resisting. The Kitchen, Poetik Riots and Milady Renoir together with OMAM, Globe Aroma and many other friends have put together this special event of revolutionary poetry and music. The evening will bring together different struggles against genocide and for liberation around the rythm of words and notes in multiple languages.
Poetik Riots is a caring, angry, rebellious, feminist, anti-colonial collective. Poetik Riots puts words to realities shaped by injustices of a past that needs facing and futures seeded in radical imagination. For the past years, Poetik Riots has convened a creative writing workshop reserved for women and queer people at Globe Aroma to gather, embrace writing and unfold imaginations.
Milady Renoir vit plus ou moins bien à Bruxelles depuis l’an 2000. Depuis 15 ans, elle alterne écritures en fulgurance, animation d’ateliers d’écritures sans tempérance, de la coordination de réseau (Kalame, réseau professionnel d’animateur.trice.s d’ateliers d’écriture de 2010 à 2017), élevage d’un ogre blond qui chausse du 39, entretien de 6 blogs avec persévérance et quelques performances corps-encre-gorge dans divers lieux a-sociaux. Militante pulsionnelle se situant en intersectionnalité, et au service des luttes des exilé.e.s forcé.e.s, souvent nommé.e.s Sans Papiers.
Thursday 30th may 2024 from 7pm to 9pm
Globe Aroma
Rue de la Braie 26
1000 Bruxelles
This event will be held in multiple languages
Free entrance