Cours-conférence "Xiaohongshu as Infrastructure: Global China's Infrastructural Connections and Breakages"
by Carwyn Morris, Leiden University
In collaboration with LAMC
Taking place at the intersection of media studies, global China studies, and critical infrastructure studies, this talk uses experiences from China, Germany, the UK, and the US to understand and consider how the social media service, Xiaohongshu, functions as a form of transnational connective infrastructure.
As the literature on infrastructure studies highlights, infrastructure becomes particularly visible during infrastructural breakdowns. Furthermore, to be global China, Chinese companies, and Chinese people need a variety of infrastructure to support both global mobility and global stillness; to support staying in place. Xiaohongshu has played an important role in how Chinese actors can operate and connect globally, how the world is experienced, and how connection is made.
As an infrastructure Xiaohongshu helps people to engage globally and to connect to Sinophone communities around the world in a public facing manner. Discussing Xiaohongshu as infrastructure means discussing frustration and connection, and it enables an understanding of the broader digital landscape as well as the challenges and successes of global Chinese actors.
The talk ends with a reflection on Xiaohongshu as a breaking infrastructure, considering how a major influx of non-Sinophone users can influence social and cultural infrastructure in ways that may negatively influence long-term users.
Carwyn Morris is a University Lecturer (Assistant Professor) of Digital China. He is a Human Geographer who acquired a PhD from the London School of Economics and worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Manchester. Carwyn's research interests include migration, mobility, governance, territory, zines, and wanghong (internet fame). Carwyn explores all of these topics as hybrid phenomena that take place across 'digital' and 'physical' spaces.
Thuesday 1st of april, from 2 pm to 4 pm
local P3.1.304
Bqatiment P3, niveau 1
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50
1000 Bruxelles
Free entrance