Pierre-Yves Le Pogam
Professeur invité 2023-2024
Archivist paleographer, former member of the French School of Rome and doctor of history and art history of the Middle Ages, Pierre-Yves Le Pogam is chief curator in the Department of Sculptures of the Louvre Museum (responsible for the medieval collection in particular for French medieval sculpture). Since his formation at the Ecole nationale des chartes and at the University (Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne) he has combined the study of works of art and medieval monuments with the analysis of the environment that produced them. His interests are in architecture, sculpture, iconography, daily life and crafts, for the Western Middle Ages, especially for the 12th-15th centuries and for France and Italy. He has also published numerous studies on the history of taste, the history of collections, historiography. He is the author of five books, about sixty articles or contributions to collective works, and about one hundred and thirty entries in dictionaries or exhibition catalogues.