Nicolas Duriau

Chargé de cours (suppléant)

Research fellow funded by the Fund of Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS), Nicolas Duriau carries out research at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). His doctoral thesis, written under the direction of Professor Valérie André, focuses on the representations of male prostitution in novels composed in French, from the end of the Enlightenment (1783) to Sodom and Gomorrah (Proust, 1922). More broadly, his interests deal with literary history of the 18th and 19th centuries, studied in the light of gendered representations. For instance, his last two articles are entitled: "D'une homosexualité fin-de-siècle: le voyage d'Achille Essebac parmi les clichés de l'Italie. Regards sur Partenza... vers la Beauté ! (1898)" (Romantisme, Paris, 2019); "L'Année galante (1785) ou le reflet d'un "miroir à putains" : portrait du marquis de Létorière en femme entretenue" (Études littéraires, Québec, 2021).

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