Laura Odasso
Post Doctoral Researcher in Sociology
Laura Odasso is researcher at the chaire Migrations et Sociétés of the Collège de France, and Collaborative Institute on Migrations (ICM, Paris) fellow, France. She is also research associate at the Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Sociologie, Aix-Marseille University (France) and at the Group for Research on Ehtnic Relations, Migrations and Equality, Université libre de Brussels (Belgium). Here, in 2014–2016, she conducted the research project Awareness and Migration: Organisations for bi-national family rights Empowerment (AMORE) funded by the European program Marie Skłodowska Curie. Characterised by a comparative and qualitative intersectional approach, her researches situate at the intersection of sociology of family migration, sociology of law, and public action. She is specialised on binational/mixed couples, and their children. Her current research focuses on the migration policy reception and effects on exiles’ intimacy, and on the role of legal brokers in Europe. She published Mixités conjugales. Discrédit, résistances et créativités dans les familles avec un partenaire arabe (PUR, 2016), Border Lampedusa (Palgrave, 2018, with G. Proglio) and Faire et défaire les liens familiaux. Usages et pratiques du droit en contexte migratoire (PUR, 2020, with A. Fillod-Chabaud). She authored several articles and collective book chapters in English, French and Italian.