Anne-Sophie Radermecker
Chargée de cours
Anne-Sophie V. Radermecker graduated in both art history (University de Liège, 2014) and Cultural Management (Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2012). In 2019, she defended an original PhD dissertation dedicated to the market for early Flemish paintings at the crossroads of art history and economics. She is also a B.A.E.F. fellow from Duke University (DALMI - Duke Art Law and Markets Initiative, 2019-2020) and a lecturer at Erasmus University Rotterdam (Master in Cultural Economics & Entrepreneurship, 2020-2021). Since 2021, she is an assistant professor in Cultural Management at the Université libre de Bruxelles. Her main research interests are the economics of art and culture, the market for old master paintings, the economics of antiques and indeterminate works of art, the reciprocal interactions between museums and the art market (incl. acquisition policies and deaccessioning), the issue of value in cultural economics, and quantitative methods applied to art history. She has published several crossdisciplinary papers in both journals in economics and art history. Her book entitled Anonymous Art at Auction was released in July 2021 (Brill, Studies in the History of Collecting & Art Markets).