Workshop "COVID-19 pandemic experiences of Filipino migrant workers with common roots but different routes"


with Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot, Itaru Nagasaka, Grace Marie Ku, Ferlie Rose Ann Famaloan, Kristine Busson, Elisabeth Luquin, Roderick Galam, Lalaine Siruno, Glenda Bonifacio, Frederik Ponjaert, Eri Ono, Chiho Ogaya, Romeo Toring Jr., Yuya Iida & Itaru Nagasaka

In collaboration with LAMC-ULB, Hiroshima University, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

This event presents some findings of the research project "Mobilities, representations and social relationships among migrant workers under the Pandemic" (2021-24) (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 21H00646).

Download program here

Friday 13 October 2023, 9am - 1pm

Salle de réception
Bâtiment DE1 - Niveau 3 - Salle R.3.105
Avenue Antoine Depage 1
1000 Bruxelles

This event will be taken in place in English

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