Workshop "Appropriate Disclosure Regulation of Beneficial Owners in Listed Companies"


with a dozen legal scholaars and practitioners from Belgium, Japan, Germany and France

In collaboration with Waseda Brussels Office, WBO

A workshop organised as part of the Waseda Brussels office's 2024 workshop serie gathering legal scholars and practitioners from Japan, Germany, France and Belgium to explore and comparing varying national regulatory and enforcement practices when it comes to appropriate disclosure of beneficial owners in listed companies.

In many collective investment schemes regarding listed shares, the registered shareholders appearing are just nominees for beneficial owners. Such distinction between nominee shareholders and beneficial shareowners causes a lack of transparency in capital markets as well as corporate governance and control mechanisms. European countries, such as the UK, France, and Germany have enacted and implemented the statutory disclosure of beneficial owners with effective enforcement measures, yet Japan has not introduced such regulation. Even in European countries, some discrepancies are found in the enforcement measures against breaches of the regulation. As such, on both sides much regulatory work remains to be done. To design and establish the appropriate disclosure regulation of beneficial owner in listed companies, it is necessary to investigate those regulatory differences and their reasons both in theory and practice, this is what this workshop sets out to do by bringing together Japanese and European scholars for a day-long workshop


Monday 11th March 2024, 9:00am - 5:00pm.

Salle Spaak
Institut d'études européennes
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 39
1000 Bruxelles

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