Webinar "Aspiring (re)migrants' behaviour in mobility policies"

From 29/01 to 30/01/2024

With Sofia Gaspar, Olga Cojocaru and Renata Carone (CIES-Iscte, Portugal); Paola Bonizzoni and Fabio de Blasis (University of Milan, Italy); Minna Seikkula (Tampere University, Finland); Vanessa Tkotzyk (Goethe University, Germany); Lucie Novotna (Masaryk University, the Czech Republic); Lucas Monteil (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium); Dang Nguyen Anh, Nghiem Thi Thuy and Nguyen Quang Tuan (Institute of Sociology - Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam); Tommy Kwan (the Education University of Hong Kong, China); Maruja MB Asis, Bernard Garcia and Eunice Tejada (Scalabrini Migration Center, the Philippines); Kwanchanok Jaisuekun (Mahidol University, Thailand); and Miyako Hayakawa (Waseda University, Japan)

Discussants: Carmen Voigt-Graf (Policy Officer and Project Manager - DG INTPA); Matthias Lücke (Management Coordinator - DYNAMIG project); Simona Vezzoli (Principal Investigator - PACES project); Sergio Carrera (Senior Research Fellow and Head of Justice and Home Affairs unit - CEPS)

Monday 29th January 2024, 10am - 12pm

This event will be held online

Program and registration through a QR code available on AspirE website

Contact : Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot

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