Seminar "You are not alone: the virtual community of aspiring (re)migrants in Hong Kong"
by Dr. Tommy Chung-yin Kwan
In collaboration with AspirE
Traditionally, migration consultancy is an important agent in providing paid services to aspiring migrants, in particular the investment migrants, to materialize their aspirations. It serves as a key factor in both motivating and facilitating the migration process. Migrants opt for the one-stop service offered by the consultancy, ranging from migration policies introduction, financial advices, property purchase, to documents preparations, in exchange for a carefree migration experience.
Nevertheless, in our case study of the Golden Visa application in Portugal, a popular migration regime in Hong Kong and mainland China in past decade, the role of migration consultancy is diminishing and eventually being replaced by some influencers (a.k.a. key opinion leaders, KOLs) in the social media. Influencers share their first-hand experience online and more importantly, they provide instant support to aspiring migrants for free. This study will in part compare and contrast the traditional migration consultancy with these KOLs. It will also highlight how and why the emergence of these influencers help building an extensive social network to support the (aspiring) migrants before, during, and after migrations.
Tuesday 23rd April 2024, 10am - 11:30am
Salle des Commissions
MSH - Building DE1 - Level 4 - Room R.4.105
Avenue Antoine Depage 1
1050 Brussels
Registration here or via QR code