Cours-conférence "Histories, Memories and the Ethical Evaluation of China's Rise in Rural Laos"


by David Lutz, ULB

History and Memory in East Asia (SOCA-D-491) - Coordinator: Pierre Petit & Lisa Richaud

This course addresses the twin issues of history and memory in South-East and North-East Asia. History and memory trigger frictions in East Asia at large, but they can also be considered as a frame or a matrix for the (re)production of social relations and cultural practices in the subcontinent at large. The course intends to approach these processes from an anthropological perspective, sensitive to the long-term and to local contexts, grounded on ethnographic fieldwork and archival sources -- or other relevant sources. This mixed approach should help to gain a better understanding of the representation and the uses of the past in current contexts, ranging from official history to collective or personal memory.

Paul-David Lutz is an anthropologist and (former) development advisor with a focus on Khmu-speakers in northern Laos. He holds a PhD in anthropology from the University of Sydney and an MA in Intercultural Education from the Freie Universität Berlin. His publications discuss intergenerational aspects of agrarian transition, socio-cosmological aspects of resource-driven development, interethnic dynamics, (m)oral history and social(ist) media in contemporary Laos. Currently, Paul-David is a postdoctoral researcher at the 'SeedsValues' project, Laboratoire d'Anthropologie des Mondes Contemporains (LAMC), Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Tuesday 12th March 2024, 2pm-4pm

Room P4.1.10
Campus Solbosch - Building P4 - Level 1
Avenue F. Roosevelt 42
1000 Bruxelles

Free entrance


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