Clément Dessy

Chercheur qualifié F.R.S.-FNRS

Clément Dessy is FNRS Research Associate and Lecturer in Belgian, French and Comparative Literatures at the Université libre de Bruxelles. His research focuses on text/image relations, transnational literary studies, and cultural exchanges at the fin de siècle. He is currently preparing a monograph on the cultural relations between Belgium and Britain at the turn of the century, and has recently started a research on the figure of the writers-translators in the French-speaking area between 1840 and 1914. He is currently leading an ARC research project on translation and fin-de-siècle magazines in France and Belgium, and a research network on "Symbolism and Decadence as World Literature"with Stefano Evangelista and Patrick McGuinness ( He is also interested in the way sexual identities intersect with the history of literatures, especially how literature participates in shaping these identities and how in return literary canons have been formed by them. He is the author of "Les Écrivains et les Nabis : la littérature au défi de la peinture" (2015), and co-editor of "(Bé)vues du futur: les imaginaires visuels de la dystopie (1840–1940)" (2015) and L’Artiste en revues: arts et discours en mode périodique (2019). He is a member of the international research network ‘Writing 1900’, co-chief editor of "COnTEXTES: revue de sociologie de la littérature", and a member of the editorial boards of "Textyles: revue des lettres belges" and "Biens Symboliques/Symbolic Goods. A Social Science Journal on Arts, Culture and Ideas".

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