GENEsYs Final Conference "East Asian Youth in Public Spaces"
Du 25/05 au 26/05/2021
with Vanessa Frangville (ULB, EASt); Seio Nakajima (Waseda University, GSAPS); Gwennaël Gaffric (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3); Éric Florence (ULg); Lisa Richaud (ULB, LAMC/EASt); Valeria Zanier (KULeuven); Nolwenn Salmon (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3); Edouard Degay-Delpeuch (ULB, EASt/LAMC); Marie-Pierre Lissoir (EASt associate researcher); Virginie Arantes (ULB, EASt); Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot (ULB, EASt/LAMC); Pierre Petit (ULB, LAMC/EASt); Marie BELLOT (Université de Lyon 2 : Laboratoire Triangle (UMR 5206); Van Minh NGUYEN (ULB, EASt/LAMC); Rosalie STOLZ (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany); Phill WILCOX (Bielefeld University, Germany); Thierry Kellner (ULB, EASt/REPI); Chenchen Zhang (Queen's University Belfast); Ida Leung (KULeuven); Jeffrey Hall (Waseda University); Frederik Ponjaert (ULB, EASt/REPI)
We are glad to announce that the GENEsYs Final Conference "East Asian Youth in Public Spaces" will be LIVRESTREAMED on May 25-26 on the MSH Youtube Channel. If you want to know more about our GENEsYs project, its achievements and outputs, join us online for our final conference.
To take a step forward in the understanding of the relationship between youth identity construction and public spaces in East Asia, the research project called "GENEsYs" received an ARC advanced grant of €680.000 from the Université libre de Bruxelles in 2016. Several partners from Europe and Asia worked together for five years to reflect on how public spaces shape East Asian youth identities? How youth use these spaces? What the practices and strategies of appropriation are? How youth active presence in public spaces influence the negotiation of beliefs, values and memory in terms of continuity and change, and shape collective identities?
(All panels are in English unless stated otherwise)
Tuesday 25 May 2021
9:00-9:30: Opening Words
Xavier Luffin, Dean of ULB’s Faculty of Lettres, Translation and Communication
Aurélie Varrel, Director of GIS Asie
Vanessa Frangville, GENEsYs main coordinator
9:30am-11:30am: Session 1 – Youth Cultures and Collective Spaces in China
Chair: Flora Lichaa (ULB, EASt)
- 9:30-9:45: Vanessa Frangville (ULB, EASt) – Short introduction to China’s Youth Cultures and Collective Spaces: Creativity, Sociality, Identity and Resistance, edited by V. Frangville and G. Gaffric, Routledge, 2019.
- 9:45-10:00: Seio Nakajima (Waseda University, GSAPS) – The Sociability of Millennials in Cyberspace: A Comparative Analysis of Barrage Subtitling in Nico Nico Douga and Bilibili
- 10:00-10:15: Laura Vermeeren and Jeroen de Kloet (University of Amsterdam) – Writing calligraphy: "hipster" practices by cultured youths?
- 10:15-10:30: Gwennaël Gaffric (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3) – A Journey into Chinese Cyberliterary Universe
- 10:30-10:45: Éric Florence (ULg) – Struggling around mediation: people, organization and meanings. The case of a worker grassroots organization in the suburb of Beijing
- 10:45-11:00: Lisa Richaud (ULB, LAMC/EASt) – On Negative Affects in China's Youth Cultures: Erasure and Re-appearance
- 11:00-11:30: Discussion by Valeria Zanier (KULeuven) followed by Q&A
11:30-11:45 Break
11:45-1:00: Session 2 (en français) – Dialogues autour de jeunesses et espaces publics en Chine et en Thaïlande
Chair : Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot
- 11:45-12h15: Nolwenn Salmon (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3) – Stratégie de mise en visibilité d’une éco-communauté de jeunes chinois, followed by a discussion with Virginie Arantes (ULB, EASt/REPI)
- 12:15-12:45: Edouard Degay-Delpeuch (ULB, EASt/LAMC) – Créer une musique nouvelle avec de vieilles mélodies: la publicisation des musiques thaïlandaises auprès de publics inattendus dans les réseaux globaux de la scène alternative, followed by a discussion with Marie-Pierre Lissoir (EASt associate researcher)
- 12:45-1:00: concluding remarks and questions
Wednesday 26 May 2021
9:00-11:00: Session 3 – Public spaces in Socialist East Asia
- 9:00-9:15: Pierre Petit (ULB, LAMC/EASt) – Short introduction to Public spaces in Socialist East Asia: Interactions, Performativity, Citizenship, special issue of Civilisations (69), edited by V. Frangville, P. Petit & L. Richaud, 2020.
- 9:15-9:30: Marie BELLOT (Université de Lyon 2 : Laboratoire Triangle (UMR 5206) – L’espace public affecté. Sensibilité politique, narrations biographiques et cadrage émotionnel en Chine.
- 9:30-9:45: Van Minh NGUYEN (ULB, EASt/LAMC) – The transformation of mobility in post đổi mới Vietnam.
- 9:45-10:00: Pierre PETIT (ULB, EASt/LAMC) & Rosalie STOLZ (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) – Emerging public spaces in rural Laos.
- 10:00-10:15: Phill WILCOX (Bielefeld University, Germany) – Doing coffee in Luang Prabang: Fusion and the making of a world heritage space.
- 10:15-10:30: Comments by the discussant Catherine EARL
- 10:30-11:00: Q&A
11:00-11:15 Break
11:15-12:30: Session 4 – Discourses and Symbols: New Political Identities of East Asian Youths
Chair: Thierry Kellner (ULB, EASt/REPI)
- 11:15-11:30: Chenchen Zhang (Queen’s University Belfast) – The Decline of the Other: global conservatism and imaginaries of the post-liberal order in contemporary Chinese discourse
- 11:30-11:45: Ida Leung (KULeuven) – To be confirmed
- 11:45-12:00: Jeffrey Hall (Waseda University) – Social media, New Religious Movements, and Japan's JAnon movement
- 12:00-12:30: Discussion by Frederik Ponjaert (ULB, EASt/REPI) and Q&A
12:30-13:00 Conclusions
Introduction to our exhibition by Van Minh Nguyen et Lisa Richaud
Anne Weyembergh, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Development Cooperation
Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th May 2021
Free access