Gert Hekma

Professeur invité 2017-2018

Mars 2018

Gert Hekma taught sex and gender studies which was gay and lesbian studies back in the eighties and nineties (1984-2017). He published profusely on the history and sociology of (homo)sexuality such as Homoseksualiteit, een medische reputatie (1987), De roze rand van donker Amsterdam (1992; The pink margin of dark Amsterdam), Homoseksualiteit van 1730 tot de moderne tijd (2004), ABC van perversies (2009) and coedited The Pursuit of Sodomy (1989), Het verlies van de onschuld. Seks in Nederland (1990, The loss of innocence), Gay Men and the Sexual History of the Political Left (1995), Sexual Cultures in Europe (two volumes, 1999), The Cultural History of the Modern Age (2011) and, with Alain Giami, Sexual Revolutions (2014, French Révolutions sexuelles, 2015) and many articles in the academic and popular press, co-organized exhibits, lectures for the Mosse Foundation and conferences like Among Men, Among Women (1983).

Atelier Genre(s) et Sexualité(s) "Celebrating 150 years of homo/heterosexuality"