Vasiliki Saripanidi
Chercheuse qualifiée FNRS - Maître d'enseignement
Vasiliki (Vivi) Saripanidi is Cheurcheuse qualifiée FNRS and Maître d’enseignement at the CReA-Patrimoine and the Department of History, Arts and Archaeology at ULB. Her research is focused on the history and the archaeology of the northern Aegean from the Early Iron Age to the Classical period and especially on the history of the Macedonian kingdom before the rise of Philip II and Alexander the Great. She is also working on ancient Greek pottery, funerary archaeology, archaeological theory and the political instrumentalization of archaeology and the past. She is currently co-directing, in collaboration with the Greek Archaeological Service, the West Necropolis of Archontiko near Pella Project , which aims at the holistic study and the complete publication of one of the largest known burial sites in modern northern Greece, which remained in use for more than seven centuries during the first millenium BC.
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