Meike Brodersen
Meike Brodersen is a sociologist specialising in spatial mobilities, digitalisation, and automation in changing working worlds based on multi-site ethnographies. She completed her PhD thesis “Working mobility – between parkings lots and particles. Space-time tensions in contemporary work.” In 2019 at the ULB research centre METICES with Pierre Lannoy. Meike Brodersen holds degrees from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, IEP Toulouse and the University of Passau. As a post-doctoral fellow, she has pursued research projects connecting automation and contemporary working worlds with everyday urban mobilities, at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (SEAD project on digitalisation and the platform economy) and the University of Halmstad - notably the AHA project on Design Ethnographic Living Labs for Future Urban Mobility. She has recently contributed to Everyday Automation: Experiencing and Anticipating Emerging Technologies (Routledge, 2022). Other publications include Mobility: Ideological Discourse and Individual Narratives (2014) and From networks to platforms (2022). Invested in interdisciplinary and participatory research, she has participated with other LIEU members and the Brussels Studies Institute in applied research on platform mediated tourism in Brussels and on locally situated socio-professional integration projects.