Jessica Maufort
Collaboratrice scientifique
Jessica Maufort specialises in postcolonial ecocriticism, ecopoetics, and magic realism, a triangulation her PhD thesis at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB; 2018) examined in Indigenous and non-Indigenous fiction from Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, and Canada. After completing a F.R.S-FNRS postdoctoral fellowship at ULB, she was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Edinburgh (2023). As a Research Associate at ULB, she is pursuing her research on the ecopoetics of trauma in the Anthropocene. Related research interests include zoocriticism, material ecocriticism, affect studies, ecospirituality, and Pacific literature. Jessica recently co-edited a volume on post-apartheid South African drama (Brill, 2020), a two-part special issue on “New Scholarship” in The Journal of New Zealand and Pacific Studies (2021), and special issue on “Voicing Absences/Presences in a Damaged World” in English Text Construction (2022).