"Sōseki and the Origin of Modern Japanese Literature"- Douglas Atkinson
Lecture series « Sōseki and the Origin of Modern Japanese Literature » World literature & Philosophies Lecture Series 1
by Douglas Atkinson, VUB
This lecture series invites scholars in the eld of literature and world philosophies to talk about ideas found in the cross section between world literature and diverse intellectual traditions. As a part of the VUB-ULB academic partnership, the series particularly welcomes contributions on East Asian literature and philosophies but remains open to discussions on literary works per- tainting to any intellectual tradition.
Recorded Friday 16th February 2018 @ Bozar vitraux, Rue Ravenstein 23, 1000 Bruxelles
Organized by EAST, the MSH team dedicated to the study of East Asia.
All videos are available on the MSH YouTube channel EASt playlist