Claire Lévy-Vroelant
Professeure invitée 2019-2020
Claire Lévy-Vroelant is a professor of Sociology at the University of Paris 8 Saint-Denis (France) and researcher atCentre de recherche sur l’Habitat (CRH-LAVUE of CNRS)where she ispart of the Scientific Committee. Her work intersects the fields of Urban, Migration, Housing, and more recently Memory Studies, with a particular attention to long term approaches –due to her background as an historian. More precisely, she deals with questions of housing policies and social issues in a globalizing context. She has recently published a book about Parisian furnished hostels as “Lieux de mémoire” for migrants. She is working currently on the meaningsof hospitality. She is member of several international editorial boards (Housing Studies, InternationalJournal of Housing Policy, and EuropeanJournal of Homelessness, Citades Communidades e Territorios). She is the director of the collection “Habitat and Sociétés”, L’Harmattan (Paris). She is consulted as an expert in the field of urban changes, housing and marginalization. She is in charge of the Program“Penser la ville contemporaine” of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord. is invited professor at the Universityof Vienna (Austria)