Workshop "SAILORS, TRADERS, SETTLERS AND POTTERS - Interactions and Exchanges in the Ancient Mediterranean"
Le 18/04/2024
with Artemis Georgiou, University of Cyprus ; Alex Vacek, Independent scholar ; Teresa Cinquantaquattro, Segretariato Regionale per la Campania, Ministero della Cultura ; Matteo D’Acunto, Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” ; Lou de Barbarin, Ecole française de Rome ; Antonis Kotsonas, ISAW, New York University ; Christian Mazet, CReA-Patrimoine, ULB
In collaboration with CReA-Patrimoine, Oxford University and Fondation Ph. Wiener.
Thursday 18th April 2024, 10am - 5pm.
Lecture Room : Salle Marie-Thérèse
Royal Academy of Belgium
Rue Ducale 1
1000 Brussels
For those who wish to attend online, you must register on the general registration link : here by April 11th and mention you wish to attend online.
Contact : Isabella Bossolino