Conference "EU-Japan Forum 2024"

Du 04/03 au 07/03/2024

with over 50 academics from across Europe and Japan

In collaboration with Waseda Brussels Office, Institut d'études européennes.

Witht he support of both EASt and the Waseda Brussels Office, the Institut d’études européennes (IEE) of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) will host the 24th edition of the annual EU-Japan Forum. Between the 4th to the 7th of March, the EU-Japan Forum will once again bring together academics and researchers from across Europe and Japan to discuss a wide range of issues of shared interest.

In 2024, the Forum will include three topical workshops dedicated to nascent joint initiatives, followed by a closing information session on Japanese research funding opportunities. Each of the three sequentially organized workshops was jointly set up by a specific team of EU- and Japan-based scholars

Workshop I – Political Narratives in Europe and Asia Compared Mon. March 4 | Coord. by Prof. F. Foret | IEE-ULB | 39 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt | Campus Solbolsch – ULB

Workshop II –Hate Speech and Abusive Language Tue-Wed. March 5-6 | Coord. by Prof. S. Detey | IEE-ULB | 39 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt | Campus Solbolsch – ULB

Workshop III – European and Japanese Approaches to International Criminal Justice Thu. March 7 | Coord. by Profs. A. Weyembergh, C. Brière & S. Furuya | IEE-ULB | 39 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt | Campus Solbolsch – ULB


Monday 3rd March until Thursday 7th March 2024, 9:30am - 5:00pm.

Salle Spaak
Institut d'études européennes
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 39
1000 Bruxelles

Registration here

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