Chaire Internationale d'Histoire de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale "Logistics in World War II and the Russo-Ukraine War"
Le 19/03/2024
by Phillips Payson O'Brien, Professor at the University of Saint Andrews
En collaboration avec la faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales de l’ULB, grâce à la générosité de feu le Baron Jean-Charles VELGE
Logistics is easily the area of military endeavor that gets the least discussion in times of peace, but then is quickly shown to be vital in war. One issue is that logistics as a concept is not terribly well defined. This lecture will delve into the meaning of logistics systems in World War II and Ukraine, and discuss different ways in which they are determining the outcome of the war.
Phillips Payson O'Brien teaches history and international relations at the University of Saint Andrews. In 2015, he published a major monograph with Cambridge University Press How the War Was Won, focusing on the logistical side of modern warfare during WWII. It seemed appropriate for the eleventh edition of the Chair to change the focus for once from the political, social and cultural aspects of warfare to military hardware, especially since Phillips Payson O’Brien has distinguished himself as a sharp analyst and commentator of the current war in Ukraine, among others through a series of articles in The Atlantic. He has done so with caution and with force, showing that historians can add to our understanding of the present and that, while history might not have straightforward lessons to teach to the present, it can offer a source of inspiration and a set of elements of comparison.
Mardi 19 mars 2024, de 18h00 à 20h00
Auditoire AZ1.101
ULB - Campus du Solbosch - Bâtiment A - Niveau 1
Av. Franklin Roosevelt 50
1050 Ixelles
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