BelMix Seminar Series "French-Japanese Marriages: A Patriarchal Revival ?"
Le 15/04/2024
by Miyako Hayakawa (Université libre de Bruxelles, LAMC) & Kanako Takeda (EHESS, Centre Georg Simmel)
Belmix is a team of researchers working on migration and conjugal mixedness in Europe-Asia social spaces at the Laboratory of Anthropology of Contemporary Worlds (LAMC) of the ULB, and one of EASt’s collaborator.
Every firsy Monday of each month, join us for a new seminar ! Same hour, same place.
Monday 15 April 2024, 11am – 1pm (Brussels time)
Salle Henri Janne
ULB - Campus du Solboch
Building S - Level 15 - Room S.15.215
Avenue Jeanne 44
100 Bruxelles
Contact: Laure Sizaire