6th Waseda Brussels Conference "Environmental Studies for Carbon Neutrality"
Le 28/11/2024
with Bernard Siman, Prof. VUB ; Ottmar Edenhofer, Prof. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research ; Hidemichi Yonezawa, Resch. Statistics Norway ; Katheline Schubert, Prof. Paris School of Economics ; Vicente Hurtado, Roa Head Unit C2 'CBAM Energie et fiscalité verte', EU Commission Official DG TAXUD ; Kevin Verbelen, Mr. AGORIA and the Brussels Diplomatic Academy ; Kurt Van Dender, Mr. OECD Tax Policy and Statistics Division ; Toshi Arimura, Prof. Waseda University ; Estelle Cantillon, Prof. ULB ; Rainer Klump, Prof. Goethe University Frankfurt ; Shigeru Matsumoto, Prof. Aoyama Gakuin University ; Naohide Fuwa, Mr. Toyota Motors EU) ; Koen Coppenholle, Mr. CEMBUREAU – The European Cement Association ; Elean Shadrina, Prof. Waseda University ; Pierre Coheur, Prof. Vice-Rector for sustainability ; Charlotte Halpern, Prof. Sciences Po ; Manabu Inuzuku, Prof. Waseda University ; Masahiko Gemma, Vice President for International Affairs & International Fundraising Waseda University ; Anne Weyembergh, Vice Rector for External Relations & Cooperation ULB ; Frank Deconinck, Prof. BrIAS (ULB-VUB) ; Kazutoshi Aikawa, Ambassador, Mission of Japan to the European Union ; Mr. Jean-Eric Paquet, EU Ambassador to Japan EU.
A high-level international symposium, organized by Waseda Brussels European Office with the support of the ULB-VUB Brussels Institute for Advanced Studies .
Climate change has become a matter of urgent concern for governments, public opinions and economies around the world. To tackle this global climate emergency, the international community has developed a broad range of responses, ranging from regulation, to technological innovation and, more recently, to financial tools and market mechanisms. Among these the first and most important is the introduction of carbon pricing – such as emissions trading schemes and carbon taxes.
In this context, the conference will present the state of play in policy developments and research on carbon pricing, CBAM, and sustainable finance. Two dozen leading international experts, academic researchers, government officials and industry representatives from Europe and Japan will share their insights and exchange views and ideas with participants. Key questions will address inter alia:
• How does carbon pricing, carbon taxes and emission trading schemes work internationally? • What is exactly the EU’s new initiative Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)? • How does it work? What are the implementation challenges? • What is the level of support/acceptance from other countries, and from industrial sectors? • Why is CBAM perceived as controversial? Does it really conflict with WTO global trade rules? • How can market-based mechanisms creatively contribute to carbon neutrality? • What are the respective roles of government and private sector towards the Green Economy? • How can sustainable finance mechanisms support innovation and green technologies? • Which innovative market-based initiatives are currently developed in Japan and the EU? • What are the specific roles of universities in implementing the transition to carbon neutrality?
The programme will include: • Welcome remarks by H.E. Kazutoshi Aikawa, Ambassador of the Mission of Japan to the EU and H.E. Jean-Eric Paquet, Ambassador of the European Union to Japan. • Two high-level keynotes by Prof. Ottmar Edenhofer, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, and Prof. Bernard Siman, Vrije Universiteit Brussels and the Egmont Institute • 18 presentations by leading EU and Japanese experts, senior officials of the EC and representatives of European and Japanese companies. • Three panel sessions I. Carbon Pricing and CBAM - Rationale and implementation challenges; II. Transition to the Green Economy; III. Sustainability: A Key Role for Universities.
Programme here
Thursday 28th November 2024, from 8.30 am until 7 pm
BrIAS Seminar Hall
Building AB - level 0
Blvd. Général Jacques 210
1050 Ixelles
Registration here
Contact : Jean-Louis Moortgat