Ateliers Genre(s) et Sexualité(s) "It’s the birthrates." Demographic Anxieties and Conspiracies of Replacement"

Le 01/06/2022

by Sarah Bracke, Universiteit van Amsterdam

Replacement conspiracies are on the rise, yet again: from Eurabia fantasies to Camus’ Le grand remplacement, from ‘Jews will not replace us’ (a rallying cry at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017) to ‘It’s the birthrates’ (the opening lines of the killer’s manifesto in the 2019 mosque shootings in Christchurch), white supremacist discourses combining demographic conspiracies and racism are thriving, and mainstreaming. These discourses are shaped by imaginaries of ontological distinctions between who belongs to the nation versus who is ‘alien’, as well as on visions about the reproduction of that nation, notably who should procreate more and whose procreation is alarming and should be halted. This talk considers such imaginaries through the analytical lenses of biopolitics and feminist social reproduction theory. It develops an account of how both sexual difference and racial difference are ‘(re)animated’ and entangled in contemporary affirmations of Europe as white and culturally Christian, and notably in the current problematization of Muslims.

Sarah Bracke is Professor of Sociology of Gender and Sexuality at the University of Amsterdam. She is the principal investigator of EnGendering Europe’s ‘Muslim Question’, a research project funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). She directs the Amsterdam Centre for Gender and Sexuality and is the executive editor of Ethnography.

with the GERME

Wednesday 1 June from 5 to 7 pm

Salle Henri Janne
Bâtiment S - 15e niveau
Avenue Jeanne 44
1000 Bruxelles

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