Claire Pelgrims

Chercheuse postdoctorante

Pelgrims Claire (PhD) is a post-doctoral researcher in Urbanism and mobility. Her PhD thesis (ULB, 2020) focuses on imaginaries of fast and slow mobilities in the evolution of Brussels mobility infrastructure since the middle of the 20th century. Her postdoctoral research focuses on expanded understanding of mobility infrastructure in relation to gender, aestheticism and functionality. She is involved in the PDR FNRS « Gender and Bicycling Aesthetics » (2021-2024) with STRIGES, sasha (ULB) and Cesir (USL-B). With her Marie Sklodowsa-Curie Actions individual fellowship (2022-2023) under the Horizon 2020 programme at the Université Gustave Eiffel, FR within the Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport (LVMT), she questioned the potential for the sustainable city of gender construction processes around cycling practices, facilities and infrastructure (SENCyclo project). She teaches in the Master en Approches sociales des enjeux énergétiques at Université de Paris and in the Master in Transition Urbanism at ULB.

Contact Claire Pelgrims
