Silvia Burini
Professeure invitée 2024-2025
Février 2024
Prof. Dr. Silvia Burini is Professoressa Ordinaria (full ordinary professor) of History of Russian Art, History of Contemporary Art, and Contemporary Art Curatorship at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, where for over ten years she has directed the Center for Studies in Russian Art (CSAR). Since 2011 she has been a member of the scientific committee of Cyberfest – the International Cyber Art Festival and since 2019 she has been part of the artistic committee of the Russian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. She is a member of SHERA, the Society of East European, Eurasian and Russian Art and Architecture, and a member of the Expert Committee for the prize Russky Rim (Russian Rome). Moreover, she was a member of the Expert Committee of Innovation Prize organized by the National Centre for Contemporary Arts (NCCA, Moscow).
In 2014 she was awarded the high honor “Pushkin” for her contribution to the dissemination of Russian culture and art. Since the same year, she was an honorary member of the Academy of Arts of Russia. She was the scientific advisor for the Russia/USSR area for the new Encyclopedia of contemporary art published by Treccani. She has recently written (with G. Barbieri) three monographs for Rizzoli New York, the first about Alexander Ponomarev (2020), the second about Cristina Finucci (2021), and the last one on the artist’s collective AES+F (May 2022). At the beginning of 2022, a volume she edited and conceived was published: it collects all essays by Yuri Lotman’s Semiotics on the arts (Il Girotondo delle muse. Semiotica delle arti, Milano, Bompiani).
She is currently writing an extensive volume on the History of Russian art for the publishing house Einaudi. She was Vice-Rector for Cultural Productions and Relations with the Scientific and Cultural Institutions of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice from 2011 to 2014 and a member, in the same years, of the Board of Directors of the Bevilacqua la Masa Foundation (Venice). From 2017 to 2020 at the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, she was responsible for public engagement, communication, and events. Since 2018 she is vice-coordinator of the International Ph.D. programme in the History of Arts at Ca' Foscari. She is the supervisor of doctoral theses in art history in Italy, Russia, and Spain and post-doc projects in France. Since 2019 she co-directs the journal of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage “Venezia Arti”. In 2019 she conceived and ever since directs the Summer School “Contemporary Art and Curatorship: from documenta to the Biennale", in collaboration with the University of Kassel, within the SIE - School of International Education at Ca’ Foscari University. In 2010 she created Art Night Venezia, of which she has been the scientific director ever since.
Lecture publique "Uzbekistan Avant-Garde in the Desert"