Janet Conway
Professeure invitée 2022-2023
Octobre 2022
Janet M. Conway PhD (York 2002, Political Science) is Full Professor of Sociology at Brock University, where she held the Canada Research Chair in Social Justice (2008-2018) and was founder and Director of the Social Justice Research Institute. She held the Nancy Rowell Jackman Chair in Women’s Studies at Mount Saint Vincent University, 2019-21. Her research has centred on transnational social justice movements under conditions of globalization, notably transnational feminism, peasant and Indigenous peoples’ organizing, and their significance for social innovation, political thought, and democratic life in the face of contemporary crises. Her current research focuses on the intersectional gender politics of the rising right in Canada and worldwide. She is author of more than fifty published works, including three sole-authored books and is co-author and editor of Cross-border Solidarities: Feminist Perspectives and Activist Practices (Rowman and Littlefield 2021). Her work has been published in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Italian and is transdisciplinary, addressing the social sciences and humanities.
Ateliers Genre(s) et Sexualité(s) "Anti-feminism and the rise of the right in liberal Canada"