Dana Hučková
Senior Researcher
Graduated from Comenius University, Faculty of Arts, in Bratislava, Slovak Republic (1991 Aesthetic and Literary studies); 1995 PhD. in theory and history of Slovak literature at Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak Republic; 1991 - present: Institute of Slovak Literature of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, Slovak Republic; 2007 - 2019: director of the institute; 2019 - present: scientific editor of the journal Slovenska literatura (Slovak Literature); research focuses on the Slovak literature at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and Slovak modern school. Monographs: Dušan Dušek (2002), Hľadanie moderny/ Searching for the Modern School (2009), Kontexty Slovenskej moderny/Contexts of the Slovak Modern School (2014); co-author and co-editor Modernizmus v pohybe/Modernism in Motion (2019), Medzipriestory modernizmu/Interspaces of Modernism (2024).