Atelier Genre(s) & Sexualité(s) "Revisiting radical feminism: bodies, sexualities and kinship"

Le 24/11/2020

by Mieke Verloo, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, MSH guest professor

Radical feminism introduced new perspectives on bodies, sexualities and kinships in the 70s, leading to new, substantial, and successful political claims. Yet, other radical feminist demands were less articulated or less successful. How can we better understand what was and what was not successful? Using illustrations from iconic feminist texts, and from the UN’s 1995 Platform for Action, this paper sets out to present a conceptual framework to further explore how gendered and sexualised bodies are positioned, constructed and impacted on in politics, and how changes in the domains of polity, economy, episteme and violence were and are influencing changes in the domain of bodies, sexualities and kinships (here called cathexis).

Mieke Verloo is Professor of Comparative Politics and Inequality Issues at Radboud University in the Netherlands, and Non-Residential Permanent Fellow at the IWM, Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna. She is the winner of the 2015 ECPG Gender and Politics Career Achievement Award. She was scientific director of large research projects on gender equality policymaking in Europe (see and, and has extensive consultancy and training experience on gender mainstreaming and intersectionality for several European governments and institutions. Publications from her work on opposition to feminist politics include the edited volume on Varieties of opposition to gender equality in Europe published by Routledge (2018), and the special issue ‘The feminist project under threat in Europe” in Politics and Governance, co-edited with David Paternotte. Her current work is on the complex relationship between democracy and gender+ equality, on understanding gender regimes, and on gendered body politics.

Tuesday 24 November, 5-7 pm

Henri Janne Room
S building - 15th floor
Avenue Jeanne, 44
1050 Brussels

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